Alright - it's going to be a BIG night here. We're making some changes. I am scared. George ate at 7 pm and then we put him to bed. We will wake him up around 11 pm and change and feed him once more. Then, the monitor is getting shut off and we're all heading to bed. We were advised by a very wise friend and mother of three that George is old enough and big enough to sleep through the night. Last night he proved that to me as well. So, tonight he can cry all he likes, but we're NOT going to go soothe or feed him. :( Ugh!! They say it may be a rough few nights. But it will "soon" be all over and we'll be
SOOOO happy and proud. UGH UGH UGH!!! Will I be able to stand it??? Can I let my baby cry??? Check back tomorrow to see how I manage.
I LOVE YOU GEORGE!! We're doing this for you as much as us!!
JuJu says it's a good thing she's not here. She'd sneak in there and rock him back to sleep or sneak him a bottle. Ohhh - JuJu will be thrilled as well when George is sleeping through the night. Eleven weeks is long enough to keep me waiting.